Dear Reader,
What is it about your spirit which allows you to continue to accept another person's idea of how you should survive in society, while they exist under different rules? Is that which currently exists in our country the best the advanced species on the face of the earth can produce? Where is the problem when you feel one thing, yet are living something else?
When a person seriously considers every moment of their life involves word concepts, words like happy, sad, successful, hungry, tired, quality, and peaceful to name a few, the individual should carefully consider why they may not being living just ALL or more of the good word concepts.
We have been living under the concepts of Republican and Democrat.
This is from the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
And this is from the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.
"a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." In this case it is only necessary to make a vital change in the government structure.
At present there are two parties in the upcoming presidential election. This message is about the creation of a third entity, a mindset more than a political party, to be considered as a possibility in the upcoming presidential election. This body of leadership is to be called "Equity."
Supposedly, the leaders of this country are working for you in order for you to live the good life. Do you have their standard of living? Are politicians more valuable than people working the sewage treatment plants which make sure there is clean water; more valuable than the people who fix the potholes so the ride to work is smoother; more valuable than the help staff that waits on politicians serving them what they want when they want it; more valuable than the people they send off to serve their country? Why are politicians accorded special privileges? It is because the premises of Democrat and Republican encompass those special privileges; where "Equity" does not.
Granted, the existing leadership may have had the benefit of educational opportunities which allowed them to work hard and move into positions, but what about the individual who's parents couldn't get them into college and subsequently into a leadership position? Does it mean the person who didn't have the financial advantage, who may have had the heart and intellect for the position, should be accorded any less respect?
We have had a certain type of leadership and value system guiding the country and world; and we continue to have war, there is growing pollution and health concerns, the safety of people continues to decline. When does the populace (as is specified and required by the populace in the Declaration of Independence) tell the leadership to get past obsolete, self-defeating, and self-serving thinking?
Before the country was established, people stood shoulder to shoulder and fought for Freedom, then the political system was created to support the concept. We have the freedom now, but now we elect a leader and accept whatever concepts the special interest groups who put them into power want. It is time to go back to advancing the species with a new concept that adds to and enhances the concept of Freedom, and to form the government structure around the concept to achieve and maintain the concept.
What is your personal legacy for the species (created in God's image), and the kind of future you want your children to have? With these things in mind let us look back in time and relive some historical and basic thought concepts, and ask ourselves more questions.
How does having two political factions within a country called the "United" States, interfere with the entire populace realizing policy leading to consistent and sustained moral growth and balance? Is it ignorance, hypocrisy, or anarchy upon the leadership and populace to continue with this mindset? Where is it written where a one single minded group of leaders cannot rotate voluntarily out of leadership position so others can lead? Why does there have to be strife and continuous factions over petty differences resulting in fluctuating policy and inching for decades or longer toward an achievable goal that can be actually be realized in a few years, simply with a little accountability?
The values of the United States has come to be where the focus is on the process and the process becomes more important than the goal. This is also a society where the growth and stability of an industry, and entertainment, however questionable they may be, takes precedent over community health and morality.
There is only one single practice which can be implemented which can bring about satisfaction in your life where you feel comfortable in going about your business in daily life knowing you are safe and secure, one which allows that you have a clear conscious knowing you have done the best for those around you.
This is the understanding and premise of Equity: We, as members of the advanced species on the planet who are not going any place off the planet soon, who are individuals within homes and who are leaders over people performing such actions so as to establish peace within the confines of our individual domains, now extend our individual actions to the next level of peaceful co-existence, the global level, preserving the integrity of the species and planet.
We have rushed into processes and products which have not always proven to be the best course of action as relates to the security and happiness of all members of the advanced species. This we can change.
As a government body, Equity implements a new checks and balance system.
Beginning with a Cabinet of Representatives selected from all Work Groups within society, from every profession and industry including the existing internal government entities like Senators and Representatives, and the Judicial and Military branches, these representatives will come together not for the purpose of promoting their individual agendas, be it products or justifications for being in existence, but for the purpose of determination of what they will give up, however gradual, in light of the two key Equity Principles: does it preserve the integrity and peace of the human species, and does it preserve the environment. The Principles of Preservation are not subject to interpretation.
It is without question all people contribute to what takes place in society. An example: Leaving something you dropped on the ground or throwing trash outside your car window entails there be someone to clean it up, or maybe what is left on the ground impacts the environment negatively. But if people were to give up littering or compromising the environment, then the people who were taking care of those things could be doing something else more worthwhile.
Co-operation has taken place and does take place daily at multiple levels, just not at the right levels with the right intentions that benefit everyone. Equity under the premises of the common Preservation Principles, through the Cabinet of Representatives recommendations, gradually evolves society's needs so as not to leave out the concerns of each individual group as they find out they need to give up an aspect of their existence in order for the entire group to experience safety and satisfaction in their lives.
This upcoming election is about implementing policy which gives the entire populace a certain quality of existence for a period of time; this is "Equity" thinking.
Equity does not arbitrarily allow whatever seems right for the moment for a few individuals, decide what is to be normal or right for the whole populace. This country has lost sight of this concept, and it is the only one which will be sufficient in bringing the country back into recognition as a worthwhile example to the nations of the world.
How bad do conditions have to get before you decide there is something better you can do?
In every moment of your thinking existence, YOU decide if "status quo," "quality," "satisfying," "helpful," "apathy," etc. is desirable.
Unlike concepts of Republican and Democrat, "Equity" is an umbrella concept consisting of words like balance, fair, pleasing, supportive, shared, and considerate to name a few.
Attaining "Equity" in your lifetime.
If we are to honor our leaders (through following their directives), shouldn't there be honorable leaders which to follow?
What do we have now concerning the U.S. Government? The leadership has taken the steps to endorse escalating aggressive measures, even endorsing killing in order to establish peace; forcing its choice of government on foreign soil. It should be noted, with very few exceptions every individual of every other nation is raised as a member of a religion. Their government bodies are religious factions. The American public, for the most part are seen as Christians (the Body of Believers) by the everyday religious people of other nations, and as such it is perceived that Christians are violent and aggressive bullies endorsing violent strokes and policy. Is this truly the mind of the general populace to stand idly by and let someone else (a few individuals) guide the minds of the general populace to accept such national and global policy which compromises our safety?
The unfortunate circumstance is some beliefs of the world like territorial disputes have failed to be eradicated in the discovery of new information, and people indoctrinated into the belief it's just the way some things have to be. Politicians and religious radicals have perpetuated the myths of aggression and division to prove the need for their intellectual prowess, and the masses have unwittingly accepted the premises being spoon fed compromised doctrines.
A brief look back in time to a tenuous and questionable past.
What could the forefathers see when they drafted the constitution? It wasn’t a perfect world then and the full ramifications of overlooked and unforeseen contingencies are beginning to take their toll on the quality of life we all could share. Special interests, lobbying and the like, are the liberties that have taken precedent over implementing sound doctrine; there are far too many questionable liberties, and too much confusion and apathy generated through media manipulations for there to be successful change to occur from within the existing Democratic and Republican party entities.
The people wielding the power of the world at this moment lack the necessary concern to be conscious of a specific vision of peace in order to shape and make their decisions to create that peace now and for the future for those to come. How likely is the existing leadership willing to acknowledge the flaws of their beliefs and what has lead to the decline of the country? What do you currently see for the future based on your perceptions and decisions of the leaders?
Crimes against the future of the human species.
What child when growing up and playing in their parent's home thought they would become a criminal or severely dysfunctional in facing simple life issues; and what caused them to arrive at that decision or conclusion? Why is there escalating violence among the young? Teachers come in all forms, and the youth of today are simply living the lowered standards society has come to believe is acceptable. What have we seen in being Republican or Democrat politically, which has morally and ethically benefited the entire populace and actually given everyone a quality sustainable, peaceful, secure quality of life? You know the answer to these things. Children are growing up having the same powerless feelings over their own lives and the prospects for their future. They inherit whatever you are giving them. Can the majority let go of their differences for awhile to come together to make a difference to produce for the better?
The perceptions of nations.
What is it countries of the world see when they see the United States? When the U.S. addresses its own internal problems, massive natural resource consumption, burgeoning and more perverse crimes, rampant misuse of tax money, and the worse, creation of laws and processes that corrupt and serve to divide so as to support those in power with continuous wealth and justification, then we act the example and advise. When the leadership of the US enters into agreements with countries, our corrupt values and conditions become that country’s values and conditions. These countries have their own set of problems that don’t need to be complicated by the shortcomings of our antiquated processes.
This is what many countries see and why they respond the way they do. They see our problems in a different light than do we, they see our problems just as we see theirs. Theirs are no worse than ours, just different. The people of this country (and others around the world) have put on blinders learning to justify their actions through a misguided and misused spirit of patriotism, regardless if the action is upright or warranted; and as such can no longer see a way out except status quo. And these are the actions of the advanced species on the planet?
A different approach.
Effective governing does not come from trying to figure out what to do when something happens, or even knowing what is going to happen and preparing for it. Leadership is developing the right conditions or solutions to eliminate the possibility of negative things happening (such as implementing this strong and decisive action of a new "State of Existence" "Equity" entering into the position of government leadership.
A message to and for ALL People of the United States.
The president, is simply the figure(ative) head of the body of people; and as such does not have to come from particular political or religious institution, but be willing to work in behalf of just causes. It is not important that a leader know every law or political protocol. The candidates don’t have to be popular, or from privileged upbringing. Every member of the human species has their flaws, and those flaws will not be the focus of the campaign. The campaign and subsequent presidency is only about equitable policy and attaining "Equity" as relates to species interaction. It is desired at home and abroad, spoken on the streets and in private; now through "Equity" it will be introduced at all levels.
The silent majority does have a voice; look around and see what has been accomplished when it is not used.
There are more people interested in your same values (the alleged Christian values of morality and fair and just practices); even unbelievers are tired of the grueling task of rowing others peoples boats to that person's success (discoveries and rewards) while they continue to struggle. The number of the contented dwindles as the world's population grows disillusioned of ever having what is personified as happiness, as their religions fail to change their governments.
Not Complicated.
What makes the effort of establishing a new party or managing the people of a country appear difficult when it is not? The existing leadership shrouds much of what is simple, ties it up in legal jargon and as a result it then appears mysterious and complicated, and because leaders do so, they maintain their position. It is only simple statements which need be heard and simple questions which need be answered – We as the advanced species must learn to co-exist together on the planet; what must be done to prove our intellect?
I do not say that once the "Equity" Body is established in the government position that everything will be immediately right with the world, because ethical and moral compromise has run rampant and obsolete and contradictory policy must first be identified and extracted. There must be tabled dialog for the operation of "Equity" being performed and room for recovery; the result would lead to the healing of a nation and of the human species.
What is the existing leadership thinking about if it is not how to best serve the interests of their constituents?
I am confident this country, this people of the advanced species of the world, can choose to develop and accept plans for taking extreme care of one another, such that all people, including our youth when growing up can feel safe and have have an opportunity to contribute, and the elderly in their fall and winter years can feel safe and secure in being taken care of for their labors and contributions to their country and family. This requires elimination of extreme capitalistic self-serving greed which only allows the few opportunistic to be served.
These are considerations which need to be considered because hundreds of years of Democratic and Republican thinking has only continued to lead to crimes, exploitation, corruption, pollution, compromises in health and unnecessary poverty.
The species of people who have the intellect, drive, capacity, to make better plans, better choices, instead have justified compromise in ideals for the sake of instant and immediate gratification, or learned to accepted bribes, payoffs, and/or been accorded a few special priveleges themselves from the privledged leaders. Haven't enough years gone by stomaching this type of favortism make you sick enough to try a new diet? Wouldn't some good food produce some better health? The ideals (food for the soul) exist; consumption is required.
My interest is for the public to take charge of making the choice of who their leaders shall be. You do not just let the person who can raise the most money win; nor just let the one who gets most of the media attention win the election; nor let a few other voters make your decisions who should run and who should lead.
Campaigns have grown to be about money spent to get a single person recognized and in power. The "Equity" "state of existence" can begin to right this wrong in society simply by spreading the word through word of mouth.
I do not hesitate in saying the intent of the entire action is to create the balance needed in our society. The actions of "Equity" focus on development on quality of life principles and policies. When boundaries are not made clear or distinct, or violated, a person loses respect for the boundaries and anything associated with the boundaries.
If "Equity" is something you desire for you or your children, you have just as much time as everybody else to come together in the spirit of unity to establish a consensus concerning candidates and support a way of life which is achievable. Each of you even without any special talent, can say something to one another concerning these things. I have listened to many who want change.
I regret to say no Christian body, any other religious belief, think tank, non-profit institution, or political or business organization appears to desire to be collectively functioning in behalf of the population as a whole to protect a country's best interest. Yet we are the advanced species on the planet. Which of the religions purports to emulate the actions as being created in the image of the advanced deity; and why do they choose to ignore their responsibility to shape the leadership values of the country? How advanced can the religions be if all they can accomplish is divisions and compromise; and through apathy, condone war? Can "Equity" be achieved by the neutrally ignored populace coming together in the next presidential election under a new concept "Equity?"
I welcome the opportunity to speak to anyone personally concerning working to this end. I may be contacted at 404-294-1377. Please leave a message and I will respond.
At this point in time, someone who is knowledgeable in party registration and development is needed to establish "Equity" as a ligitimate national leadership goal.
Thank you for taking the time to consider your part in the "Equity" of our world.
John Gregory
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Hi John,
It sounds like you have a plan.
I have seen form many years the problems faced by those who could not afford justice, education, food, health care. I have witnessed the actions caused by sheer hopelessness in people.
People who live in desperation tend to do desperate things.
It seems that the Declaration of Independence and the constitution have both been placed on the back burner by the current political parties. Replaced by greed and the burning consumption to have all that can be had at all cost.
I would like to hear more about how the injustices that exist already could be corrected as well as how the prevention of injustices in the future would be implemented.
There is a lot of work to do to fix this system and I believe that to gain confidence of many people will mean discussing every aspect.
Who are the candidates who plan to run on this party and what offices will they run for?
Jim Windwalker
Too often we look to others for answers, when we as the advanced species know exactly what we need.
We have only so many thoughts we can have during the course of a day; we need not look at injustices but the actions which eliminate injustices.
The actual leaders of Equity are the people of the work groups who nominate the cabinet members. The Equity elected figurehead individuals sit as mediators of the groups who will be asked to come together to develop the Equity processes, will simply mediate based on the two parameters of the preservation principles.
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